Food as a precious resource

Fighting hunger
For LarioHotels, food also means social commitment. This year the Sottovoce Restaurant of VISTA Lago di Como took part during the Christmas holidays in the “Restaurants Against Hunger” initiative sponsored by the non-profit association Azione contro la fame, whose purpose was to to help children and families who do not have access to food, water, and care, both in Italy and around the world. Part of the proceeds are donated to the association.

Suppliers as partners
We choose our suppliers according to strict and careful criteria. First of all, we check prices and sustainability requirements: if they are to be our partners for the future, we want to be able to trust them blindly. That’s why, in keeping with our commitment to CO2 reduction, we give preference to those who operate close by, which provides stimulus to our own territory and reduces long-distance travel. This, among other things, also ensures that we can offer our customers the higher quality and freshness that only zero-kilometer products have.

Eliminating waste
Every chef in our restaurants is committed to a policy of non-waste – reducing energy and food consumption, avoiding unnecessary purchases, and preferring natural ingredients from the territory in which they are located.

This allows us to always offer the highest quality on the table for our customers, while at the same time respecting nature and the environment in which we operate